sobota, 3. oktober 2015

Zvezde / Stars

Ob tej voščilnici se mi je kar sama od sebe začela prepevati: 

Sveti, sveti zvezdica,
ali res si iz zlata.
Tam visoko si doma,
sredi širnega neba.

In mislim, da ji čisto paše ;)

When I made this card, I immediately started singing:

Twinkle, twinkle little star,
how I wonder what you are.
How above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky.  

And I this it fits it perfectly ;) 

Glavne zvezdice so s Paper Smooches, ki sem jih pobarvala z Distress markerji. Dodala sem še napis srečno novo leto iz Mavelu (Novo leto-set1), ki sem ga embosirala z zlatim prahcem.

The big stars are Paper Smooches image, which I coloured with Distress markers. I added a happy new year writing, which I embossed with my new Ranger Queen's gold embossing powder (I used it for the first time and it looks great :)).

Želim se prijaviti na sledeče izzive / I wish to enter following challenges:
Paper Smooches - September Sketch
Tuesday Throwdown #264 Clean and Simple
Fab'n'Funky Challenges - Challenge #275 Anything Christmas
Addicted to stamps - Challenge #164 CAS
wk 39 Crafting Challenge at Digi Choosday Use Something New
Simon Says: Anything Goes
The ABC Challenge: S is for Sprinkles
Mavelu - Razstava vaših mojstrovin
Word Art Wednesday - Challenge #203 - Anything Goes

Hvala za obisk in veselo prepevanje ;)
Thanks for stoping by and happy singing ;)

četrtek, 1. oktober 2015

Leseni srčki / Wooden hearts

 Vriskajte, nebesa, in raduj se, zemlja, gore, zaženite vrisk! (Iz 49,13) svetopisemski citat, ki je na njunih vabilih, ki sem jih izdelovala spomladi oz. poleti. Izbrali smo eko karton, lesene srčke in navadno špago. Meni so vau všeč :)

Tell the heavens and the earth to celebrate and sing; 
command every mountain to join in the song. (Isaiah 49:13) the bible quote that is on their wedding invitations, which I were making in spring. We picked eco paperboard, wooden hearts and hemp rope (I hope this is the right translation ;)). I simply adore them :)

To voščilnico pa sma jima ob darilu podarila midva. Spet sem dodala lesene srčke in za osnovo uporabila eko karton. Že nekaj časa pa so se mi doma pomikale te majhne tablice (nanjo sva kasneje napisala začetnici njunih imen) in zdela se mi super popestritev.

This is the card that we gave them on their wedding day. Again, I used the wooden hearts and eco paperboard as the base. This small blackboard I've had at home for a while and I think it fits perfectly on this card - later I wrote their initials on it.

S to voščilnico se želim prijaviti na sledeče izzive / With this card I wish to enter following challenges:
Come and get it challenges - Clear It Out ( Use a Stash item) Challenge 
Craft your passion - Challenge 281 Anything goes
Through the Craft Room Door Challenge-Sept. 29- Oct. 5  
Word Art Wednesday - Challenge 203 

Hvala za obisk in lep dan :)
Thanks for stoping by and have a nice day :)