nedelja, 27. september 2015

Črtasti prazniki / Striped holidays

“The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us.” 
Terri Marshall

Prazniki se hitro bližajo in skrajni čas je bil, da sem naredila vsaj kakšno praznično voščilnico. Te so čisto preproste, a meni zelo pri srcu. 

Holidays are coming way too fast, so it was time that I make at least some holiday cards. These are very simple, but I like them a lot.

Za osnove sem uporabila črtaste voščilnice, na bel papir sem naštempljala snežinke, drevesca... in napis ter za piko na i dodala še mašno.

I used striped cards as a base, then added the white paper stamped with snowflakes, Christmas trees... and the writing. To wrap it up, I added a ribbon.

Nastala je serija šestih voščilnic, kar je po mojih standardih ogromno, saj imam najraje unikatne voščilnice in jih ne rada ponavljam. Vendar so mi bile te tako všeč, da se uporabila kar ves črtast papir, ki sem ga imela in tako je nastala moja prva serija voščilnic, ki so enake, vendar vseeno niso ;)

I made a series of six cards, which is a very big lot for me, because I love one of a kind cards and don't like to repeat myself. But I liked these so much, that I used all the striped paper that I had and now I can proudly present my first series of cards, which are the same, but still aren't ;)

Želim se prijaviti na sledeče izzive / I wish to enter following challenges:
Addicted to stamps - ADDICTED TO HOLIDAYS
Scrapbook stamp society - Challenge 75 # Anything Goes option Hat
Ooh La La Creations - Challenge #189 Ribbons & Bows
Word Art Wednesday - Challenge 202

Hvala za obisk in lep dan :)
Thanks for stoping by and have a nice day :)

5 komentarjev:

  1. Vida beautiful cards.
    Thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.

    Greetings Karin DT Coördinator

  2. Wow you've have been busy!! Great cards and a good start for your holiday cards. Thank you for joining in at OLL challenges. Wynn DT

  3. Wonderful cards and so pretty! Thank you for playing along in the Word Art Wednesday Challenge! Have a blessed day!

    Charity - DT Member - Word Art Wednesday (my personal blog)

  4. Lovely group of cards, Vida. I am the same way - not wanting to duplicate a design normally, I I really like your pattern/s on these. Thank for playing along at Addicted to Stamps & More. Melissa - DT

  5. Lovely set of Christmas cards. I do like the colours you've used. Thanks so much for playing along with ASM this week!
